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Row wrapper

Opens and closes a row container for use with 'Single' content types. Each single content type is a column within a row.

Fields and options

Supplies a name for the list of 'content in this section'. It is for internal purposes only.

Row option
Options for opening, closing, and formatting the row.


Open row - opens a new row

Open centered column row - centers all of the columns, this is useful if you have an odd number of single content types

Open equal height row - if you are using a single content type that has borders (like Panel single) this will make them all the same height regardless of the content placed inside them

Open equal height and centered column row - centers the content types and makes all content types the same height


Close Row - closes the row

Close Row and open new row - closes a row and opens another





How to use

1. Add a Row wrapper content type to your section.

Fill out the fields with your content and choose Open row or another Open option

2. Add the single content types you wish to use.

Use content types the have 'Single" in their name, ie General Content single

3. Add another Row wrapper to close the row.

Give the wrapper a name and choose Close row


It should look something like this:

2 wrappers with content types between them



You can put as many single content types between wrappers as you would like.

Row Wrapper - open row

Row Wrapper - close row


Row Wrapper - Open centered column row

General content single - 66%

Fifty years ago, the development of Idaho State University’s famous multipurpose facility, originally branded the Minidome and forever to be known as Holt Arena, stemmed from Milton “Dubby” Holt’s solution to get more fans to football game — playing at night. Because fall was made for hunting and businesses were open during the day, night was the best time to get fans to the games, and with a covered football field, fans could count on staying dry and warm.

At the time, gathering student support for any project was difficult. However, students backed the dome concept, even though it meant a $14 fee increase. There were many challenges throughout the construction of the Minidome, from a small budget to an iron worker strike to a flood. Despite these challenges, the ASISU Minidome made its grand debut on Sept. 26, 1970, and 50 years later it still proudly remains one of the most unique parts of campus.

Row Wrapper - close row


Row Wrapper - Open equal height row

Row Wrapper - close row